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How to fish with the tides for big game in Panama Tuna Coast.

panama-tuna-coast-cebaco-mariato-torio-veraguas-coiba-halco-popper-coiba-fishing-rio-negro-playa-reina-doradoFishing in the right place at the right time is perhaps the most vital part of becoming an exceptional sport fisherman. You will not have any success of catching the big one if you are not in a good fishing area. Water movement, the movement direction, wind, tides and water level determine where fish can be found.

Experienced anglers create a to-do list that covers rigging, packing, and loading. Unfortunately, some of them fail to check the tides and lunar schedules. This big blunder can hinder anglers from getting consistent positive results. Taking advantage of the currents and tide schedule is essential to getting big game catches.

mariato-tuna-coast-torio-cebaco-bay-panama-fishing-coiba-jack-crevalleThe gravitational pull of the sun and moon is the driving force behind the tides. This strong pull forces water up or down over a period of the time. Structures such as coral reefs, volcanic reef and banks of rocks are revealed during low tides. Many times during the switch of the peak low tide the bite can “turn on”. The switching of High tide is known for flooding fish aggregates and can turn the bite “on” as well.

The current influences the tide. This is especially the case in Puerto Mutis Veraguas Panama near our location. During the dry season with the north wind and strong currents out of the estuary, low tide can sometimes exceed what is listed on the tide tables. Understanding how these tides and currents affect fish activity can help your “luck” increase significantly while fishing on Panama’s Tuna Coast. Let’s take a close look at three solid tips that can help you fish Panama Tuna Coast with ease.

1. Don’t Resist It

It is imperative for you to remember that large fish will always be interested in conserving their energy. Keeping this in mind will help you get a better understanding of water movement around peaks and high spots. Fish rarely make an effort to swim against the current. They usually linger on the backside of the high spot or plateau. Offshore and onshore, fish typically swim in the direction that water flows. A smart angler will always drift baits back with the current over the reef for a strong chance of getting a large game fish here on the Tuna Coast.

tuna-coast-mariato-panama-torio-veraguas-cebaco-fishing-lodge2. Always Be Prepared While Offshore

At times, tides and currents will battle each other. This can lead to confusing water movement at passes, reefs, estuary’s and inlets. A big current aided by the wind can overpower tidal flow. Make sure you know which direction the water is moving. Staying over a particular reef during a strong current is a true talent for any experienced captain. This is critical for speed jigging and soaking live baits at different depths.  Being prepared with the lunar schedules and specific high and low tide times along with analyzing the wind can help you do this with ease.

3. Take Advantage of Ambush Spots Inshore

popper-halco-tuna-coast-panama-cebaco-island-sportfishing-lodge-coiba-hannibal-banks-sushiAnglers should look for ambush spots during low tide. These can include partially exposed
reefs and river mouths.  Game fish are in these areas. They know that shrimp and bait fish will be there. You can catch plenty of fish in ambush spots if your timing is right. These areas are our go to spots for rooster fish.

Fishing the Tuna Coast will give you a chance to get away and put your sport fishing skills to the test. The El Rio Negro Sport Fishing Lodge can help you get familiar with factors like the tides so that you can catch more fish during your trip. This popular Panama sport fishing lodge is synonymous with Panama big game fish on the famous Tuna Coast. For more information visit